It feels OM so good living your dreams :). My first yoga course finished up last month (for anyone that missed my reflections you can read about it here). The course was something I was planning for a long time, and seeing my spoonie students progress and enjoy the practice made the gruelling days of my teacher training totally worth it.
One of these new Yogis wrote about her experiences in the course on one of my favourite blogs/websites for people living with chronic illness: The Pillow Fort! And the verdict:
I feel pain pretty much all the time and found it difficult to relax into the classes at the beginning of the course so I could concentrate on the yoga rather than my pain. Once I did manage to move my mind away from my pelvis I can honestly say I forgot about my bladder for the rest of the class! I really looked forward to my hour off every week and my boyfriend even said that I was always happier and more relaxed on Mondays after my yoga sessions. As a result I am a complete convert to yoga and mindfulness and will be continuing my yoga practice both with Kayla and at home.
I'm so glad the course helped her manage her pain! For anyone that wants to read the full experience, head on over to the Pillow Fort: Yoga for Chronic Illness by Aroga Yoga: A Review - The Pillow Fort.
After finishing up this first course, I am so excited for my future yogic offerings, like sessions via skype for those of you who find it hard to travel!
More to come soon, and in the meantime I'd love to hear your thoughts. What have your experiences with yoga and meditation been like? Have they helped manage or improve your symptoms?