Category Archives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Best Books on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Having chronic fatigue syndrome can feel lonely and confusing. When I was first diagnosed, I could barely find any information on CFS. There were a couple books and rumours of different doctors or specialists who could help with CFS. Now, thanks to the blogosphere, there’s a plethora of information on living with a chronic illness.…
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What I wish I had known about having a chronic illness [VLOG]

Getting diagnosed with a chronic illness is a life-changing event. There was getting my diagnosis. A diagnosis I have never heard of before. There was the realization that my doctor couldn't really do anything to help me. There was years of trying to manage my illness on my own without having access to the resources…
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What is Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a gentle style of yoga meant to help the body rest and heal. I love practicing restorative yoga when I’m having a low energy day. Days when I’m feeling stressed, or when the brain fog is out in full force. On those days, I crash into restorative yoga classes melting into the…
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The Common Symptoms and Misconceptions of Invisible Illnesses

Reblogged from Medicare It's the holiday season. For most people, this is a fun time of being with friends and family, huge meals, and gift exchanges. But for people living with chronic, invisible illnesses the holidays can be a time of stress. Long social engagements, preparing meals, and dealing with the in-laws can all cause a…
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New Study Finds That Yoga Has Lasting, Positive Effect On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

At the end of last year, researchers at Kyushu University studied the effects of yoga for chronic fatigue syndrome. Patients who participated in the study had fatigue that lasted more than 6 months and did not respond to conventional medical treatment(CBT, GET, Medication, etc.). When researchers added yoga therapy to conventional treatments, patients reported having…
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Yoga for Chronic Illness: A Review From The Pillow Fort

It feels OM so good living your dreams :). My first yoga course finished up last month (for anyone that missed my reflections you can read about it here). The course was something I was planning for a long time, and seeing my spoonie students progress and enjoy the practice made the gruelling days of…
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Yoga for Chronic Fatigue: Dead Pigeon Pose

I admit, I could have called it ankle to knee pose, but I hoped Dead Pigeon would bring a smile to your face as you were trying out the pose. I love hip openers because my hips tend to get so sore from sitting for most of the day! They also just feel great and…
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