The Common Symptoms and Misconceptions of Invisible Illnesses

Reblogged from Medicare

It's the holiday season. For most people, this is a fun time of being with friends and family, huge meals, and gift exchanges. But for people living with chronic, invisible illnesses the holidays can be a time of stress. Long social engagements, preparing meals, and dealing with the in-laws can all cause a lot of stress for people with chronic illnesses. On top of all of this, we have to prepare to deal with a lot of questions and unsolicited advice from well-meaning family and friends, who don't quite understand what we're going through. This handy infographic on invisible illness shares common symptoms and misconceptions about some chronic, invisible illnesses. If you're worried about questions from family and friends this year, why not pass this infographic along to them and skip the awkward questions and advice.

Happy holidays! And don't forget to take the time you need for yourself to rest and relax during this holiday season!

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