Category Archives: Fun

A Small Good Thing – Reflections on Lockdown

I hope I’ll look back on this time and remember the silence. Headphones over my ears listening to Yoko Ono’s screams broken by the drip drip drip of fresh coffee. I pour a cup, fluffy robe around me, soft slippers padding back to the couch. Headphones off. Silence is back. I smell the coffee before…
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The Chronically Ill’s Prayer for a Job

Based on 'A Mothers Prayer for Her Daughter' by Tina Fey.  First Lord; nothing too stressful, may neither the words fast-paced nor competitive environment grace the sentences of the job description. May I be respected, but not admired, for it is the admiration that brings the extra hours on Friday evening when a coworker needs…
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A Funny Pandemic Meditation

I hope this funny pandemic meditation gives you a laugh in lockdown! Read the transcript below:    Beginning to bring your attention to your body and to your breath. Maybe rocking from sit bone to sit bone, giving each side of your bottom a break, for maybe the first time today. Let's take a…
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My Favourite Yoga Quotes

With the holidays just around the corner (and a much welcome goodbye to 2016) I wanted to share with you some of my favourite yoga quotes! I hope these inspire your practice and wellness journey through the holidays and the new year! Enjoy these yoga quotes! "When you find peace within yourself, you become the…
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Best Chronic Illness Blogs to Read and Follow

When I first started blogging I was so inspired by the amazing community of chronic illness blogs. People living with terrible illnesses were sharing their experiences, giving advice, and providing support for others. It’s opened up a world of support that you can’t get from your healthcare providers or friends and family who don’t understand…
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