Recent Posts by Kayla Kurin

5 Free Yoga Videos To Improve Your Daily Practice

I am on a mission this month- to practice yoga daily. Instead of doing 3-4 longer sessions in a week, I am experimenting with practicing every single day. Even if it is only for 10 minutes at a time. Aiming to do a longer yoga sequence once every week or two is a great goal.…
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What Is Mindful Yoga?

Exercising with a chronic illness is a battlefield, but I think mindful yoga can help. You know exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. But you also know it could make things worse. Like biking 60km without training and becoming bedridden for the next week worse (I maybe did this). So how can you reap…
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Claire’s Recovery Story

My story with ME began when I became ill with glandular fever at the age of 8, where I was really ill for weeks and missed a lot of school as a result. I returned to school in September for the new academic year but still felt really unwell. I felt overwhelmed with fatigue and…
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Jo’s Recovery Story

I started getting symptoms of M.E. after a virus which I couldn’t seem to get better from. At first it just felt like a normal virus. I had time off work from my job as a psychiatric nurse, thinking I would be better within a couple of weeks if I rested up. However I didn’t…
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Steve’s Story- Recovery From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It was 2005 when Steve first fell ill. Having just graduated from university the previous year he was fit and healthy and headed straight off to coach soccer in the USA that lasted several months it was on his return that Steve started to become ill. The exact cause is still a mystery but he…
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New Study Finds That Yoga Has Lasting, Positive Effect On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

At the end of last year, researchers at Kyushu University studied the effects of yoga for chronic fatigue syndrome. Patients who participated in the study had fatigue that lasted more than 6 months and did not respond to conventional medical treatment(CBT, GET, Medication, etc.). When researchers added yoga therapy to conventional treatments, patients reported having…
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Anxiety In The UK: An Infographic

Anxiety in the UK and panic attacks are common. It is something that effects many people, so it's helpful if we can better understand how anxiety effects ourselves and those around us. The mind savvy folks at Klearminds have designed a new and informative infographic that features all sorts of guidance on anxiety and depression…
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5 Yoga Poses For Fibromyalgia (number 3 has the best name :p)

Fibromyalgia patients are a diverse group of firecrackers. Like many chronic illnesses, people living with Fibro show a variety of different symptoms and responses to treatment. Yet, they all have on thing in common: A determination to reduce their pain and live their lives fully. Studies show that yoga and mindfulness meditation can help reduce…
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Why We Struggle To Sleep And How To Get More Snooze Time

Sleep helps us heal. We all know that. Rest is prescribed for any ailment from a cold to cancer. But even for healthy people, getting a crap night’s sleep is never fun. Just this morning I snapped at my flatmate, neglected to clean up my dishes, and put off writing this blog post for as…
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