Category Archives: mindfulness

Should You Always Feel ‘Good’ After Doing Yoga?

As humans, we like to seek pleasure and avoid pain. So we should want to do things that make us feel good, right?  Most people start practicing yoga because they hear that yoga can make you feel relaxed, happy, blissed out, healthier, and less stressed. All those things are possible to feel after a yoga class.…
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Breathing Techniques for a Better Night’s Sleep

Originally published on Do you struggle to sleep? If so, you’re not alone. More than 75% (1) of people living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Trouble sleeping is especially harmful if you are living with a chronic illness, because it can make all of your symptoms…
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What Is Mindful Yoga?

Exercising with a chronic illness is a battlefield, but I think mindful yoga can help. You know exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. But you also know it could make things worse. Like biking 60km without training and becoming bedridden for the next week worse (I maybe did this). So how can you reap…
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Why We Struggle To Sleep And How To Get More Snooze Time

Sleep helps us heal. We all know that. Rest is prescribed for any ailment from a cold to cancer. But even for healthy people, getting a crap night’s sleep is never fun. Just this morning I snapped at my flatmate, neglected to clean up my dishes, and put off writing this blog post for as…
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5 Reasons Why I do Yoga When I’m Well

A few weeks ago I wrote an article on the Pillow Fort blog about Why I Do Yoga For Chronic Illness. If you've read any of my other blog posts, you know that I think yoga for chronic illness is a pretty awesome idea for unlocking your potential and living better with illness. But what about…
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My 5 Favourite Restorative Yoga Poses

My students often ask me how often I practice yoga. When I say I aim for 5-6 days a week I often see a look of fear on their faces. Do you really need to dedicate time each day to see the benefits of a yoga practice? To answer that questions depends on how you…
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Yoga for Chronic Illness: A Review From The Pillow Fort

It feels OM so good living your dreams :). My first yoga course finished up last month (for anyone that missed my reflections you can read about it here). The course was something I was planning for a long time, and seeing my spoonie students progress and enjoy the practice made the gruelling days of…
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How to Find Your Job

“What is it on this planet, that needs doing, that I know something about, that probably won’t happen unless I take responsibility for it” – Buckminster Fuller When I was younger, my head was full of ideas of what I would like to ‘be’ when I grew up:  A Doctor, the Prime minister, a Hollywood…
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Why you shouldn’t skip corpse pose

It may be easy to run out of yoga class if you've got a busy day, but here's why you shouldn't skip corpse pose... I only bought it because I was desperate. “Power Yoga for Happiness” was only $14.99, and I had just wasted almost $300 on a cleanse that did absolutely nothing except leave…
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